News   /   Would you like to drive more traffic to your website? The answer is images!

   30.03.2015 07:00  /   by    Booking & Co.

Imagine the following scenario – you have just written the perfect article which you intend to publish on your company’s website. Stop and take a minute to go through it. Do you have any images which support your point of view, or is it just words? If you article falls in the second category you might rethink the decision not to include any imagery.

Recent reports have showed that when images are used in an article in a strategic and complimentary manner, these actually result in an increase in traffic. Do keep in mind that images are not just there to make an article prettier. On the other hand, we should use them to validate and make our point more valid. Also, images are a good way to attract our readers’ attention when we would like to them to engage and affect some sort of action, for instance to comment or download.

Now let us move to the hardest part – but HOW can I incorporate images to get the most out of them? Let us go through three simple ways on how you can use visual content to increase traffic on your online presence.

Integrate the use of images across all of your platforms

Do you currently have a Facebook Page, website, and maybe a Twitter, Instagram and any other social media account? Well, it might be a good idea if you used images which would be good to share across all of your platforms. When adding an image to your blog, try to add at least two from the following – a square shaped image, a landscape or a portrait. In this way you will be able to easily share them across your platforms.

Use presentation tools such as Slideshare to further enhance your content

Slideshare is a very popular website which allows to user to upload their presentation and then share it across their online platforms. The idea is to make it easier for you to share your presentations online. If this does not entice you yet, keep in mind that Slideshare has 16 million registered users and it gets an estimate of 58 million unique visitors a month.

This means that through this medium you will have the opportunity to target two audiences – those which are already following you on your platforms, but also those who might get to know you through this platform.

Create infographics

In principle infographics are images which use charts and diagrams to represent information and data in a visual manner. However if you think that infographics are all about numbers and statistics, think again. These can be used to inform the public in a fun manner about something which you are offering, or link it to your product. For example, if you are a hotelier why don’t you share an infographic about your destination area, and what guests can do while they are vacationing there? In this way you are not only trying to drive customers to your website, but you are also giving them value to why they should do it.

And if you are going with the argument that you are not a designer, argument not accepted. Nowadays there are many online tools which help you create infographics in a very easy way.

Ultimately you always need to know the below:

  • What is the ultimate aim of your content? Do you want people to like it, share it or click through to your website?
  • Are you going to give an added value to your content – are you going to prepare a free download?
  • Do you want your audience to affect a final action once they are at destination?
  • Work on a strategy and start preparing your visuals today!

How to Use Visual Content to Drive More Traffic by Donna Moritz. Access from on the 30th of March 2015.